Current Regulations:
Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014 (amended 2020)
The Heat Supplier is required to comply with the Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014. These regulations place obligations on the Heat Supplier and aim to promote metering and billing accuracy. A full version of the regulations currently in place can be found on the Government website, or using the link below:
The government department responsible for enforcing these regulations is the OPSS (Office for Product Safety and Standards).
Future Regulations:
Ofgem – Heat Network Regulator
The Government has announced that Ofgem has been appointed as the Heat Network Regulator for Great Britain.
Currently, there are no sector specific protections for heat network consumers. As the regulator, Ofgem will help to ensure consumers get a fair price and reliable supply of heat.
It is expected that Ofgem will start to introduce obligations in 2024, with the full Market Framework operational by 2026.
At present, there are no regulations introduced or enforced by Ofgem for heat networks.
Please note that current Ofgem regulations on back-billing and price caps are only applicable to gas and electricity, and not heat.